Developing a Partnership and Merger Strategy for Nonprofits
Having a robust partnership and merger strategy is essential not only for growing your organization's impact but also for addressing uncertainties, changing funding environments, a shifting political landscape, and regulatory challenges. Here are our tips for developing your partnership and merger strategy.
Tips for Nonprofit Risk Management
With the right mindset and approach, you can transform the daunting task of risk management into an opportunity for growth and innovation, ensuring your nonprofit remains resilient and focused on its mission.
How Nonprofits Can Build Resilience
As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the nonprofit sector, resilience building has emerged as a crucial trend to watch in FY 2025. Here are three ways to build resilience and examples of Illinois nonprofits leading the way.
4 Questions to Ask When Creating a Strategic Plan
As you engage in strategic planning, you need to ask yourself and your stakeholders some essential questions that will help you define your impact, strengths, priorities, and measures of success.
Why You Need a Strategic Plan for Your Nonprofit
As a nonprofit leader, you have a passion for making a difference in the world. You have a vision of how you want to improve the lives of your beneficiaries and the community. But how do you turn your vision into reality? That’s where strategic planning comes in.
4 Tips for Working with a Nonprofit Consultant to Get the Most Value
Before you begin your search for a consultant you should already have a deep understanding of the strategic challenges you face, and the expertise needed to respond to the problem you wish to solve. Beyond these basic first steps, here are our four tips to help you get the most value from your engagement with a consultant.